Legal warning
You have accessed through the web address (hereinafter the Shop or Portal), owned by Leñas Legua, S.L. (hereinafter Leñas Legua).
The use and access to the contents of this Store implies the knowledge and acceptance of the present General Conditions that have as objective to inform the users of the rights, uses, prohibitions, responsibilities, etc., that govern at the time of navigate and make use of the different services contained in this Web Site.<
These General Conditions regulate the access, navigation and use of the Website In the same way, the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents are regulated -text, graphics, drawings, designs, photographs, software, codes, videos, music, databases, images, information as well as any other creation protected by the laws national and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property and the Particular Conditions that govern the different services that Leñas Legua makes available to users through
Leñas Legua, S.L. , with address in Camino de la Loma s / n - 46134, Foios - Valencia and with CIF B96936364 registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, Volume 6566, Book 3870, Folio 67, is the owner of the portal and puts This portal is available to Internet users, with the purpose of both providing information on products and offers of Leñas Legua, as well as allowing the acquisition of the products offered by Leñas Legua through the portal
The following means are made available to users where they can direct their requests, questions and complaints.
Mailing address: Camino de la Loma s / n 46134-Foios- Valencia
Contact form in this same site
Customer service phone: +34 96 149 07 26
Fax: +34 96 149 07 26
LEÑAS LEGUA informs that it is possible that the Store, with the aim of improving its services, activates "cookies" programs through which user data is obtained. In the event that you do so, you authorize us to treat the information provided through this procedure, always with the same purposes described here.
LEÑAS LEGUA undertakes to use the data included in the file, to respect their confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the file, as well as to comply with their obligation to save them and adapt all measures to avoid alteration, loss , treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions in the Regulation of Security Measures of automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 994/1999, of July 11.
All content displayed in the Store and especially, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks, industrial drawings or any other signs susceptible to industrial and commercial use are subject to property rights Intellectual and Industrial of LEGUA or third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion in the On-Line System
In no case shall it be understood that any license or renunciation, transfer, total or partial assignment of said rights is granted or any right or expectation of right is conferred, and especially, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication about said contents without the prior express authorization of LEÑAS LEGUA or the corresponding owners.
No link to the Store can be established from any other website without the prior and express consent of LEÑAS LEGUA
LEÑAS LEGUA, will only be liable for damages that the User may suffer as a consequence of the use of the Store when said damages are attributable to a malicious act of this company
The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Store, as well as the acquisition of the products offered therein, is carried out at his own risk and his entire responsibility.
LEÑAS LEGUA is not responsible for the damages that may arise from, with a purely enunciative and non-limiting character:
1. Inferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and / or disconnections in the operational functioning of this system electronic or in the sections and computer equipment of the users, motivated by causes beyond the Store, that prevent or delay the
2. Delays or blockages in use caused by deficiencies or overloads of the Internet or in other electronic systems.
3. By third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the control of the Store and that or are attributable to LEÑAS LEGUA.
4. O allow access for reasons not attributable to LEÑAS LEGUA, due to the User, to third parties, or in cases of force majeure.
LEÑAS LEGUA does not control, in general, the use that Users make of the Store. In particular LEÑAS LEGUA does not guarantee that Users use the Service in accordance with the law, these General Conditions, morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor that they do so in a diligent and prudent manner.
Navigation and use of the Website as well as most of the services contained therein is completely free of charge, in an express manner and without any reservation, the General Conditions, permanently updated under the "Legal Notice" link.
The services whose use, use or contracting are regulated under their own particular conditions must be accepted, by the user, expressly and unconditionally, at the same moment in which he makes use, use or availability of them.
LEÑAS LEGUA, S.L. has arranged for certain services the collection of personal data of users who access them, the General and Specific Clause that governs the "Privacy Policy" being applicable.
These General Conditions have the validity that lasts its exposure.
In this way, LEÑAS LEGUA, S.L. advises that each time the users access the Web Page, read them carefully. LEÑAS LEGUA, S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally modify the General Conditions at any time, in whole or in part. The modification will take effect from its publication on the Website, more specifically, from its insertion in the link "Legal Notice"
LEÑAS LEGUA, S.L. may choose to interrupt, suspend or unilaterally terminate access to the contents of the Store, regardless of the provisions of these conditions and the Special Conditions that govern the provision of the different services. Such situations will not alter the validity of the prohibitions of use of the contents exposed throughout this clause.
Also, LEÑAS LEGUA, S.L. will take the pertinent measures so that, insofar as it is possible, warn the users of said circumstances - suspension, interruption or termination of access to the contents.
In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of these General Conditions and the Particular Conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter will prevail.
In the event that any provision or provisions contained in these General Conditions are considered null or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Court or competent administrative body, such nullity or non-application will not affect the rest of the General Conditions nor to the Particular Conditions of the different services of the Store.
The non-exercise or execution, by LEÑAS LEGUA, S.L. Any right or provision contained in these General Conditions will not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledgment and written agreement on your part.
All the Conditions, General and Particular, inserted in the Store are governed by Spanish regulations. All conflicts, disputes or situations arising from the General and Particular Conditions will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of VALENCIA, expressly renouncing the parties to their jurisdiction.